Saturday, February 12

Fuck Citibank

I have to tell my story and let you decide:

I paid off and closed my Citibank card in October 03.
In July 04 charged an autorenewal on the CLOSED card, and Citibank allowed it.
----they OPENED my CLOSED account to accept a charge----
I was never notified of this charge by mail or email.
In January 05 I found out about it via their website.
I talked to 6 people over the course of a month at Citibank and they said that autorenewals HAVE to be accepted, even on closed accounts. What the ???
A closed account?
So today, 2.12.05, I paid off my CLOSED account, and my other Citibank account ($537.94) and will never do business with them again.

In July 03, I bought 3 domain names using and my Citibank card. I usually buy a few domains when coming up with a business name, so that we can secure them, take the time to decide on a name, and then cancel the domains I decide not to use. I selected "automatic renewal" for the three domains b/c we wanted to be sure to keep them in case one of them was a go. Well, October came around and I refinanced my condo and paid off my credit cards, CANCELLED/CLOSED THEM. The following July 04, Godaddy emailed me and said they were going to auto renew my domains. I did not take action b/c we decided not to use these domains and wanted them to expire and b/c I had CLOSED my Citibank account, I assumed (NEVER assume) the card would not go through and I would forfeit those three domains and all would be fine. Then in January 05, I was on my OTHER citibank account website and noticed that my CLOSED account had a balance of $150 on it. I called Citibank and they said that Godaddy had charged my account. I said "What account, the account is CLOSED?" 7 different customer service reps, a scar on my credit report and 1.5 months later, they would not do anything for me, other than take off the charges and late fees IF, I paid the balance charged. I went over and over with them that WHAT KIND OF COMPANY RE-OPENS A closed ACCOUNT? Bad, bad business. So anyway, I lost it and ended up telling the lady to "Go F**k herself", paid the balance, and paid off my other Citibank balance. I have CLOSED both accounts now, and will NEVER, EVER do business with the bank again!

Does this seem wrong to anyone? After explaining my story to CLA, she took my side and now thinks they are crazy as well.

Thanks for reading.


da' hammer said...

You know how we feel about this. What you can do, is get with the credit agencies and write letters to them and explain the situation and hopefully they will take that off your report. However, I just went through a situtation like this for about the same amount of money and it did finally get resolved (to my satisfaction). Be prepared for several contacts with each credit agency and some frustrating times. I realized that after all was said & done, it really didn't matter because the amount was not enough for other creditors to even balk at. To me it was the principle of it all so in the end it was worth it because at least I felt as though I won (heheh).
btw - CITIBank sucks!!!

davegannon said...

Thanks for the input. I agree 100% that it is the principle of the matter. I will definitely be contacting the credit agencies b/c I need to keep it clean. I am sorry you had to go through what you did but hopefully our actions speak loud enough and help others. Peace out! Gman

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