We just picked up our newest addition to the household today. Tica.
Her registered name is Can. Ch. Bardale's Exotica Vonbernhart. They called her Tica for short. We will probably change it gradually, thanks to jinnie's ingenious way.
She is three years old ( same bday as Gibson... August 24th) from Canada and is a standard short hair black and tan..... and a complete doll.
gibson will have nothing to do with her yet. He is acting like she is not even here, until you start petting and playing with Tica.
we gave them each a new toy, tica a hippo and gibson a Devil. Tica grabbed both and took them into her crate. gibson still does not care.
here are some pics.
we are expecting 6-12 inches of snow tonight thru tomorrow...so it has been raining all day. a mess of a day to pick a new dog and walk her.
She is swell.
ALERT! We need a name for Tica. If anyone has a suggestion we would love to hear them. We were thinking maybe a theme, like Guitars or music related, OR German names that do not start with G. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

If you must rename her (I question why you are, though) I think you should name her "Mitten" short for Mittenwald, a city in the German province of Bavaria where German Violins have been hand-crafted for centuries. There's a hidden meaning, like Gibson, but it's a good pet name, too!
I love how we have photographic evidence of her dominating me. Hey wait, I'm the leader of the pack. I also still like Elphaba or Elphie for short.
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