Sunday, February 19

I'm Back!

hey there. nice to see you again. yes. it has been a while. i have been working on a new header, and i guess i was just not feeling inspired to write anything on my old boring outdated blogsite.
i have added a new tagline and logo to the banner if you notice. dhgatsby blog. on. "DHGATSBY is a name I came up with, combining my initials, (D)(H)(G) with the Great Gatsby, a title I got from CS about being the Great Gatsby of Yankton. I use it for my email and usernames. I felt like it is becoming more of my identity on the web, so a natural progression would be to use it here. The BLOG. ON. is something i came up with on the spot and i have no idea if someone else is using it or not. i like it. what do you think?
in the coming month, i am going to be changing the format of this blog's subject matter. it will still contain personal junk, but it will predominately be about design and influences of design. that can encompass many facets of the design world, so keep an eye out for that.

we have been watching a lot of Olympic coverage. I especially like the new downhill snowboarding. I cannot remember what it is called but it kicks.

hope you are all having a happy February. LOVE that it is cold and snowy.


davegannon said...

huh? not sure what header you are refering to. thanks.

davegannon said...

thanks cyn! wow, you have good eyes! christy, erin, kim, and myself have looked at this header for the past week and not seen the mistake. THANK YOU AGAIN for catching it! You must be eating a lot of carrots. dg

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