When I moved in with Christy just about two years ago, I realized one of the reasons I was going to stay was that she was a composter. I grew up composting and this was a serious thing to me. I remember when my dad would "ask" me to turn the compost. It sucked, turning 3 - 4'x4' bins of manure, rotting grass clippings, fish we bagged from a lake kill, and any and all kitchen organic waste. BUT, as I grew older, and began to taste the benefits of prosperous thriving home-grown veggies, I cherished and respected the effort it took. Keeping a bin or coffee can to hold the kitchen waste was not the tidiest and appealing idea, but my mom used a used gallon ice cream container with no lid. When I was settling in to Christy's house, I decided we needed something similar only a little more presentable. The only thing I had at the time was this:

It was a $3.99 Folgers coffee "can". It came complete with a lid too, which worked perfectly for two years. But after my cubemate Erin and I were talking about how to feed and nurish her new compost bin, she went out the next week and found a canister like this. Not as ingenius as my Folgers can, but much more presentable and appealing, wouldn't you say?
Now we have one as well.

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