Greetings. So, I was hanging Christmas lights this weekend, and Gibson was there at my side helping. You might be asking yourselves, "Why would Dave be hanging lights this early in the season, it's not even Thanksgiving yet?" and I would answer this question the same as I did with my curious neighbor. "The baby is due in less than a month ( or tomorrow), and we wanted to make sure that we were good, festive neighbors spreading the spirit - in case Baby G comes early - I didn't want to be too tired or overwhelmed that I could not hang some lights. I promised not to plug them in until after Thanksgiving.
We also got the rocker for the baby's room as well. We scored. We think. It is the perfect pink to go with all the decor Christy has been decorating it with. Our theme is pink and green. We have not painted the walls, leaving them the drab creamy-white that covers our every wall now. But that will change too, next week, when I begin painting the living room and entry way.
I used to laugh at early decorators, but a few winters of trying to hang lights in 10 degree weather and ankle deep snow have changed my tune. Are you lighting up the dramatic roof-line of your house?
Wish I'd thought of hanging them today. Looks like we're due for snow next weekend.
I think it's much worse to still have Xmas decorations up when it's closer to Easter.
It's never too early to start!
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