My eleventh favorite holiday movie is based on a book by John Grisham called Skipping Christmas.
The movie holds fairly true to the book but the one downfall is the choice for characters. I just do not like Tim Allen as an actor for this. I liked him...sort of... in Home Improvement, but I just never take him seriously as an actor. But when I think about it more, I think he did redeem himself somewhat in this. Jamie Lee does an ok job but what can I say...
What Amazon says:
Slapstick humor gets a full-body workout in Christmas with the Kranks. Critics were unanimous in their derision, and John Grisham must have gnashed his teeth over what studio-boss-turned-director Joe Roth did to his bestselling novel Skipping Christmas, to which this broad-stroked comedy bears little or no resemblance. The title characters are played by Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis, who decide to skip Christmas because their daughter's in Peru with the Peace Corps. Thus begins a rabid program of enforced conformity when their neighbors (led by Dan Aykroyd) coerce the Kranks into changing their holiday attitude--a change that comes easily when the daughter announces she'll be home for Christmas after all. Imagine if a suburban lynch mob said "Have a Merry Christmas or we'll kill you," and you'll get some idea of what spending Christmas with the Kranks is really like. And if you laughed at the frozen cat, you're probably on Santa's "naughty" list. --Jeff Shannon
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