Every Man Jack. Yes, they are made for the "every man" guy but I think they might end up alienating some of the Brut guys or the Right Guard guys just a bit.
I have been using their shave gel and body wash for over a month....and love it.
I love the smell, first off, and throw on top of that, they are Dye free, SLS free, paraben free and oil free. Not bad for a hip product that you can get at Target.
They come in different scents:
Signature Mint
Spiced Pepper
I have the Signature Mint - good, not too overpowering mint smell, refreshing and does not dry out your skin.
I also have the Cedarwood body wash and shave gel which I love. The shave gel is better than even the barbasol and edge gels I have tried. I used to use the creams but this gel has won me over.
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